
Nais alpina

Nais barbata

Nais behningi

Nais bretscheri

Nais christinae

Nais communis

Nais elinguis

Nais pardalis

Nais pseudobtusa

Nais simplex

Nais stolci

Nais variabilis

Named after Allobroges, an ancient Gallian tribe. – synonym of Trichodrilus allobrogum

Named after Bavaria (Bayern). – synonym of Potamothrix bavaricus

Named after Cambridge (the Latin version Cantabrigium). – synonym of Trichodrilus cantabrigiensis

Named after Finland. – synonym of Lumbricillus fennicus

Named after Grotte de la Balme. – synonym of Rhyacodrilus balmensis

Named after Italy. – synonym of Branchiobdella italica

Named after Japan. – synonym of Aeolosoma japonicum

Named after Japan. – synonym of Aulodrilus japonicus

Named after Lake Leman. – synonym of Stylodrilus lemani

Named after Loch Lomond. – synonym of Arcteonais lomondi

Named after Moravia. – synonym of Psammoryctides moravicus

Named after Moravia. – synonym of Trichodrilus moravicus

Named after Slovakia. – synonym of Tatriella slovenica

Named after the Balkan Peninsula. – synonym of Branchiobdella balcanica

Named after the Bonheur River. – synonym of Trichodrilus bonheurensis

Named after the host crayfish genus Astacus. – synonym of Branchiobdella astaci

Named after the Maumee River in U.S.A. – synonym of Limnodrilus maumeensis

Named after the Neva River. – synonym of Tubifex newaensis

Named after the Tatra Mountains. – synonym of Trichodrilus tatrensis

Named after the Thames River. – synonym of Sparganophilus tamesis

Named after the town of Prague (Praha). – synonym of Trichodrilus pragensis

Named after the Vltava (Moldava) River. – synonym of Potamothrix moldaviensis

Named after Travancore. – synonym of Aeolosoma travancorense

Named in honour of A. Behning. – synonym of Nais behningi

Named in honour of A. Fric. – synonym of Paranais frici

Named in honour of A. Mrázek. – synonym of Lamprodrilus mrazeki

Named in honour of A. Stolc. – synonym of Nais stolci

Named in honour of B. Christensen – synonym of Enchytraeus christenseni

Named in honour of Blanc. – synonym of Piguetiella blanci

Named in honour of Blanchard. – synonym of Tubifex blanchardi

Named in honour of Bolau. – synonym of Dichogaster bolaui

Named in honour of Christina Sperber. – synonym of Nais christinae

Named in honour of D. and G. Goodhue. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella goodhui

Named in honour of E. Beraneck. – synonym of Troglochaetus beranecki

Named in honour of E. Claparède. – synonym of Limnodrilus claparedeanus

Named in honour of E. Claparède. – synonym of Trichodrilus claparedei

Named in honour of E. Piguet. – synonym of Aulodrilus pigueti

Named in honour of E. Strand. – synonym of Trichodrilus strandi

Named in honour of E.S. Neizvestnova. – synonym of Rheomorpha neizvestnovae

Named in honour of Ernesto Marcus. – synonym of Aeolosoma marcusi

Named in honour of Eveline Dubois-Reymond Marcus. – synonym of Aeolosoma evelinae

Named in honour of F. Beddard. – synonym of Aeolosoma beddardi

Named in honour of F. Leydig. – synonym of Amphichaeta leydigi

Named in honour of F. Vejdovsky. – synonym of Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum

Named in honour of F. Vejdovsky. – synonym of Potamothrix vejdovskyi

Named in honour of Gerta von Ubisch. – synonym of Aeolosoma gertae

Named in honour of Handlirsch. – synonym of Aporrectodea handlirschi

Named in honour of Headley. – synonym of Aeolosoma headleyi

Named in honour of Hemprich. – synonym of Aeolosoma hemprichi

Named in honour of Hering. – synonym of Stylodrilus heringianus

Named in honour of Heuscher. – synonym of Potamothrix heuscheri

Named in honour of J. D'Udekem. – synonym of Limnodrilus udekemianus

Named in honour of J. Leidy. – synonym of Aeolosoma leidyi

Named in honour of Josina. – synonym of Specaria josinae

Named in honour of K. Absolon. – synonym of Stylodrilus absoloni

Named in honour of K. Bretscher. – synonym of Nais bretscheri

Named in honour of L. Cernosvitov. – synonym of Trichodrilus cernosvitovi

Named in honour of Lang. – synonym of Chaetogaster langi

Named in honour of M. Bedot. – synonym of Potamothrix bedoti

Named in honour of M. I. Smirnov. – synonym of Tubifex smirnowi

Named in honour of Menon. – synonym of Pristinella menoni

Named in honour of Mlle Turquin. – synonym of Haber turquinae

Named in honour of Mrs. Jenkin. – synonym of Pristinella jenkinae

Named in honour of Osborn. – synonym of Pristinella osborni

Named in honour of P. Sawaya. – synonym of Aeolosoma sawayai

Named in honour of P.A. Chappuis. – synonym of Hystricosoma chappuisi

Named in honour of R. Buchholz. – synonym of Enchytraeus buchholzi

Named in honour of R. Ginet. – synonym of Aeolosoma gineti

Named in honour of R. Leruth. – synonym of Trichodrilus leruthi

Named in honour of R. Southern. – synonym of Marionina southerni

Named in honour of R. Volk. – synonym of Propappus volki

Named in honour of S. Ekman. – synonym of Pararhyacodrilus ekmani

Named in honour of S. Hrabe. – synonym of Trichodrilus hrabei

Named in honour of Serge Giani. – synonym of Krenedrilus sergei

Named in honour of Sowerby. – synonym of Branchiura sowerbyi

Named in honour of T. Waldvogel. – synonym of Haemonais waldvogeli

Named in honour of Templeton. – synonym of Ilyodrilus templetoni

Named in honour of W. Hoffmeister. – synonym of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri

Named in honour of W. Michaelsen. – synonym of Dorydrilus michaelseni

Named in honour of W. Michaelsen. – synonym of Isochaetides michaelseni

Named in honour of Wiard Griepenberg. – synonym of Guestphalinus wiardi

non Tubificoides heterochaetus Lastockin, 1937 – synonym of Tubificoides heterochaetus