Rheomorpha neizvestnovae

(Lastochkin, 1935a)

Small transparent worms. Oval prostomium fused with I, broader than subsequent segments. Body ventrally flattened, segmentation obscure. Two short adhesive appendices on hind end. Cutaneous glands either colourless, yellowish, greenish, or absent. No chaetae; chaetal bundles replaced by adhesive papillae. Length of the first zooid 0.5-0.7 mm, length of the whole chain, consisting of up to 5 zooids, up to 1.3 mm. A separate individual can consist of 7-8 segments. Differing from the other aeolosomatids and small aquatic oligochaetes in lack of chaetae.
Both gliding and crawling on substratum.


In freshwater, particularly in sand of large rivers.

Asexual reproduction by paratomy (budding) prevailing. Maturing in autumn.

Lastochkin, 1935a: 643-645; Ruttner-Kolisko, 1955: 55-69; Bunke, 1967: 266-279, Figs 31-35; Van der Land, 1971: 693-694, Fig. 13.3.F; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 185-186, Fig. 74; Kasprzak, 1981: 69-70, Figs 75-76.