Aeolosoma gineti

Juget, 1959

Small oligochaetes. Prostomium small, roundish. Single flexible hair chaetae both in dorsal and ventral bundles beginning from II (their length 180-220 and 110-140 µm, respectively). They are accompanied by 1-2 simple needle chaetae (about 30 µm) in dorsal bundles and by 2-3 sigmoid bifid chaetae (18-20 µm, with slightly longer lower tooth) in ventral bundles. Reproductive organs not known. Chains of 2-5 zooids formed, like in Naididae or Aeolosomatidae, each zooid consisting of 8 segments. Length about 1 mm. The species was erroneously ascribed to Aeolosoma, by its chaetae and asexual reproduction, but it lacks the ciliated lower side of prostomium and lateral sensory pits, as well as cutaneous glands characteristic of that genus (Bunke, 1967). According to presence of hair chaetae in ventral bundles, it may belong to the recently described family of Parvidrilidae, although paratomy has not yet been recorded in this group.

France, known from Grotte de Balme (Isère).

In freshwater, caves.

Probably asexual by paratomy, since budding zones were observed. Mature specimens not known.

Juget, 1959: 397-399, Fig. 3; Bunke, 1967: 266; Van der Land, 1971: 695.