
Tatriella slovenica

The appendices referred to in the species name are the extremely long hair chaetae of VI. – synonym of Slavina appendiculata

The species has been described under many different synonyms in tropical countries but not so in Europe. – synonym of Aulodrilus pigueti

The species name ("with dorsal pores" in Latin) refers to the position of the nephridial pores. – synonym of Pristinella notopora

The species name aequiseta means "with equal chaetae (setae)" in Latin, accentuating lack of giant hair chaetae character – synonym of Pristina aequiseta

The species name accentuates the morphological heterogeneity of the species within its original, broad sense. – synonym of Nais variabilis

The species name derived from lacus, meaning "lake, water body" in Latin. – synonym of Criodrilus lacuum

The species name derived from Hammonia, the latinized name of Hamburg. – synonym of Potamothrix hammoniensis

The species name evidently derived from the Latin quaterni, i.e. "by four", referring to the number of chaetal bundles, o – synonym of Aeolosoma quaternarium

The species name evidently refers to the comparatively obtuse branchial disc, with short gills, in comparison with some congener – synonym of Dero obtusa

The species name is derived from the River Ardi̬res. Рsynonym of Rhyacodrilus ardierae

The species name may be related to the dorsally directed branchial disc. – synonym of Dero dorsalis

The species name may be related to the Latin word velut, meaning "for example, so to say". – synonym of Embolocephalus velutinus

The species name may mean both the common occurrence and plain morphology, without any conspicuous characters, of this species. – synonym of Nais communis

The species name meaning "riverine" in Latin. – synonym of Potamodrilus fluviatilis

The species name meaning "snow-white" in Latin, may be related to the light, white, colour of live worms. – synonym of Dero nivea

The species name meaning "with four containers" in latinized Greek, referring to the number of spermathecae. – synonym of Dorydrilus tetrathecus

The species name means "a little muddy" in Latin. – synonym of Rhynchelmis limosella

The species name means "amidst ring dance" in Greek. – synonym of Cambarincola mesochoreus

The species name means "amphibious" in Latin, reminding of the original habitat, wet moss on lake shore. – synonym of Pristinella amphibiotica

The species name means "armed" in Latin, referring to giant chaetae. – synonym of Mesenchytraeus armatus

The species name means "associated with darkness" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma tenebrarum

The species name means "associated with wetlands" in Latin. – synonym of Pararhyacodrilus palustris

The species name means "barbed" in Latin, referring to the prickly appearance of this worm. – synonym of Nais barbata

The species name means "bearded" in Latin, evidently referring to erect hair chaetae. – synonym of Psammoryctides barbatus

The species name means "beautiful" in Latin. – synonym of Haber speciosus

The species name means "bedewed" in Latin. – synonym of Monopylephorus irroratus

The species name means "belonging to karst" in Latin. – synonym of Rhyacodrilus carsticus

The species name means "belonging to river bank" in Latin. – synonym of Gianius riparius

The species name means "blood-coloured" in Latin. – synonym of Mesenchytraeus sanguineus

The species name means "blood-red" in Latin. – synonym of Bichaeta sanguinea

The species name means "buffoon, scaramouche" in Latin. – synonym of Amphichaeta sannio

The species name means "cave-dwelling" in Latin, after the original finding place. – synonym of Eisenia spelaea

The species name means "close to olchonensis", another species of the genus Rhynchelmis. – synonym of Rhynchelmis paraolchonensis

The species name means "competitor" in Latin. – synonym of Lumbricillus rivalis

The species name means "crystal-like" in Latin, referring to transparency of the worm. – synonym of Chaetogaster cristallinus

The species name means "deformed, inverted" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Chaetogaster diastrophus

The species name means "dressed in black" in Latin, apparently referring to the dark appearance of the worm, filled with abundan – synonym of Cernosvitoviella atrata

The species name means "dwarf" in Latin. – synonym of Epirodrilus pygmaeus

The species name means "eyed" in Latin, referring to dark spots. – synonym of Helodrilus oculatus

The species name means "female panther" in Latin, possibly referring to the anterior end spotted with a pigment. – synonym of Nais pardalis

The species name means "glassy" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma hyalinum

The species name means "golden yellow" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma flavum

The species name means "green" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma viride

The species name means "green" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Allolobophora chlorotica

The species name means "hairworm-like" in Latin. – synonym of Haplotaxis gordioides

The species name means "having a small stomach" in Latin, referring to intestinal pouches. – synonym of Henlea ventriculosa

The species name means "inhabitant of depths" in Latin – synonym of Limnodrilus profundicola

The species name means "intermediate" in Latin. – synonym of Vejdovskyella intermedia

The species name means "lake-dwelling" in Latin. – synonym of Eclipidrilus lacustris

The species name means "little white" in Latin, the reason is obscure. – synonym of Psammoryctides albicola

The species name means "living in lakes" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Aulodrilus limnobius

The species name means "living in phreatic, ground water" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Spiridion phreaticola

The species name means "living in wetlands" in Latin. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella palustris

The species name means "living on a river bank" in Latin. – synonym of Marionina riparia

The species name means "long-haired" in Latin, referring to the shaggy appearance of the worm. – synonym of Vejdovskyella comata

The species name means "many-coloured" in Latin. – synonym of Lumbriculus variegatus

The species name means "medium" in Latin. – synonym of Trichodrilus medius

The species name means "misty, dark" in Latin. – synonym of Aporrectodea caliginosa

The species name means "motionless" in Latin. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella immota

The species name means "muddy" in Latin. – synonym of Monopylephorus limosus

The species name means "neck, back " in Latin. – synonym of Limnodrilus cervix

The species name means "nosy" in Latin, referring to the agile prostomium in live individuals. – synonym of Henlea nasuta

The species name means "of freshwater" in Latin, referring to the unusual habitat of this representative of marine subfamily. – synonym of Gianius aquaedulcis

The species name means "of mosses" in Latin, referring to findings in Sphagnum bogs. – synonym of Cognettia sphagnetorum

The species name means "of two different origins" in latinized Greek, referring to the disparities affecting the shape of anteri – synonym of Rhyacodrilus amphigenus

The species name means "olive-coloured" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma olivaceum

The species name means "rich in setae (chaetae)" in Latin. – synonym of Chaetogaster setosus

The species name means "rich in setae (chaetae)" in Latin. – synonym of Homochaeta setosa

The species name means "sand-preferring" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Aeolosoma psammophilum

The species name means "scarlet red" in Latin. – synonym of Rhyacodrilus coccineus

The species name means "sickle-shaped" in Latin, referring to the shape of penial chaetae. – synonym of Rhyacodrilus falciformis

The species name means "silvery" in Latin. – synonym of Marionina argentea

The species name means "similar to Nais" in Latin. – synonym of Homochaeta naidina

The species name means "small" in Latin. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella minor

The species name means "small" in Latin. – synonym of Stylodrilus parvus

The species name means "snake-like" in Latin. – synonym of Ophidonais serpentina

The species name means "snow-white" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma niveum

The species name means "stick-bearing" in Latin, apparently referring to oesophageal appendages. – synonym of Marionina clavata

The species name means "strange, peculiar" in Latin, referring to the unusual position of male ducts and spermathecae in the sam – synonym of Dorydrilus mirabilis

The species name means "striped" in Latin. – synonym of Lumbricillus lineatus

The species name means "thin" or "weak" in Latin. – synonym of Trichodrilus tenuis

The species name means "tiny" in Latin. – synonym of Peipsidrilus pusillus

The species name means "tongueless" in Latin, contrasting this worm with Nais proboscidea (=Stylaria lacustris) eq – synonym of Nais elinguis

The species name means "transparent" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Chaetogaster diaphanus

The species name means "unknown" in Latin. – synonym of Tubifex ignotus

The species name means "unstable" in Latin. – synonym of Xironogiton instabilis

The species name means "variegated" in Latin. – synonym of Aeolosoma variegatum

The species name means "very tiny" in Latin. – synonym of Henlea perpusilla

The species name means "wild, militant" in Latin, reflecting the dark and prickly appearance of preserved specimens, with thick – synonym of Spirosperma ferox

The species name means "with a short stick" in latinized Greek, referring to the short penis in comparison with that of Stylo – synonym of Stylodrilus brachystylus

The species name means "with different chaetae" in latinized Greek. – synonym of Tubificoides heterochaetus

The species name means "with diverse chaetae" in Latin. – synonym of Trichodrilus diversisetosus

The species name means "with equal pores" in latinized Greek, referring to two pairs of male pores. – synonym of Lamprodrilus isoporus

The species name means "with four containers" in Latinized Greek, referring to four spermathecae. – synonym of Rhynchelmis tetratheca

The species name means "with large chaetae" in Greek, referring to ventral enlarged chaetae. – synonym of Vejdovskyella macrochaeta

The species name means "with many setae (chaetae)" in Latin. – synonym of Aulodrilus pluriseta

The species name means "with numerous setae (chaetae)" in Latin. – synonym of Quistadrilus multisetosus

The species name means "with six teeth" in Greek. – synonym of Branchiobdella hexodonta

The species name means "with small conteiners" (spermathecae) in latinized Greek. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella microtheca

The species name means "with spherical conteiner" in latinized Greek, referring to the shape of the spermathecal ampulla. – synonym of Cernosvitoviella sphaerotheca

The species name referring to findings in the brackish-water littoral. – synonym of Aeolosoma litorale

The species name referring to the bifid (bilobate) needle chaetae. – synonym of Pristinella bilobata

The species name referring to the freshwater (lacustrine) habitat of this species, different from that of the other species of t – synonym of Stylaria lacustris

The species name referring to the position of male pores on large protuberances. – synonym of Trichodrilus macroporophorus

The species name referring to way of life on another animal. – synonym of Branchiobdella parasita

The species name refers to extremely long dorsal chaetae (setae) in III. – synonym of Pristina longiseta

The species name refers to groundwater habitat. – synonym of Rhyacodrilus subterraneus

The species name refers to living in wet or aquatic habitat. – synonym of Aporrectodea limicola

The species name refers to montane habitat. – synonym of Peristodrilus montanus

The species name refers to simple-pointed needle chaetae. – synonym of Nais simplex

The species name refers to slight differences in comparison with Nais obtusa (=Piguet, 1906a. – synonym of Nais pseudobtusa

The species name refers to the biblical Holy Land (Palestina) where the species was first found. – synonym of Helodrilus patriarchalis

The species name refers to the bifurcate appearance of the posterior end with two palps. – synonym of Aulophorus furcatus

The species name refers to the characteristic large pharyngeal glands. – synonym of Cognettia glandulosa

The species name refers to the intermediate character of the species in comparison with the related taxa known at that time. – synonym of Trichodrilus intermedius

The species name refers to the marine littoral as a typical habitat. – synonym of Paranais litoralis

The species name refers to the palm-like, fingered appearance of the branchial disc. – synonym of Dero digitata

The species name refers to the pink (rose) colour of live individuals. – synonym of Pristinella rosea

The species name refers to the snail Lymnaea, the first known host of this worm. – synonym of Chaetogaster limnaei

The species name refers to the type locality in high mountains. – synonym of Nais alpina

The species name means "hooked" in Latin, referring to sigmoid chaetae. – synonym of Uncinais uncinata

The species named after the Bothnian Bay. – synonym of Paranais botniensis

The species was at first erroneously treated as a parasite of freshwater bryozoans, by its author. – synonym of Ripistes parasita

The tautonymic species name refers to the ability of building tubes on mud surface. – synonym of Tubifex tubifex

Trichodrilus allobrogum

Trichodrilus bonheurensis

Trichodrilus cantabrigiensis

Trichodrilus cernosvitovi

Trichodrilus claparedei

Trichodrilus diversisetosus

Trichodrilus hrabei

Trichodrilus intermedius

Trichodrilus leruthi

Trichodrilus macroporophorus

Trichodrilus medius

Trichodrilus moravicus

Trichodrilus pragensis

Trichodrilus strandi

Trichodrilus tatrensis

Trichodrilus tenuis

Troglochaetus beranecki

Tubifex blanchardi

Tubifex ignotus

Tubifex nerthus

Tubifex newaensis

Tubifex smirnowi

Tubifex tubifex

Tubificoides heterochaetus