Cambarincola mesochoreus

Hoffman, 1963

Small leech-shaped but unpigmented worms, without prostomium or chaetae. Anteriormost four segments fused to form head. Posterior end is modified as sucker-like adhesive disk; ventral edge of mouth also acting as adhesive organ. Body terete. Head narrower than the first trunk segments. Jaws of about equal size, triangular; upper jaw with bigger median and two pairs of lateral teeth; lower jaw with four lateral teeth only. Length 4 mm. Differing from the other European branchiobdellidans in the shape of jaws.
Crawling like leech on the body of crayfish.

Nearctic; recently introduced into Europe (Italy) with North American crayfishes.

In freshwater, living on external surface of crayfishes.

Sexual only. Eggs laid in cocoons attached with one end to body of crayfish.

Hoffman, 1963: 307-311, Figs 6, 11, 12; Holt and Opell, 1993: Figs 135-137; Gelder et al., 1994: Figs 1A, 2F.