Lamprodrilus mrazeki

Hrabe, 1929b

Middle-sized to large worms, colour from orange to brown. Lighter regenerates can occur at both ends of immature individuals. Prostomium rounded, conical. Intersegmental furrows poorly expressed, numerous fine secondary annuli present. Chaeta two per bundle, sigmoid with distal nodulus, simple-pointed, about 200 µm long. Anterior ventral chaetae bigger than dorsal ones. When (seldom) mature, 1-2 pairs of tubular atria, and male pores can lie between VI-IX, most often in VIII; 1-3 pairs of spermathecal pores by two segments caudad, between VIII-XIII, most often in X. Clitellum not observed. Bare transversal blood vessels in II-XII(XIII). Two pairs of dark chloragogen-covered transversal vessels per segment, connected with intestinal blood sinus and equipped with blind appendages, beginning from VI-VIII. Length 25-40 mm, diameter about 1 mm, segment number 60-70 (in culture up to 105).
Burrowing in sediment.

Central Europe.

In freshwater, in temporary pools, encysting for the summer drought period.

Asexual reproduction by architomy (fragmentation) taking place in cysts. Maturing observed in culture only.

Hrabe, 1929b: 197-214, Textfig. 1-5, Pl. 1; Hrabe, 1937b: 1-2, Figs 1-8; Hrabe, 1981: 109-110, Pl. 19 Figs 8-12; Cook, 1971a: 216; Kasprzak, 1981: 208, Figs 838-839.