Gianius riparius

(Giani and Martinez-Ansemil, 1981)

Locomotory chaetae as bifid crotchets with shorter upper tooth, by 2-5 in anterior bundles and by 2-3 in posterior bundles, about 30 µm long. Penial chaetae with simple hooked tip and extremely distal nodulus, thicker and straighter than locomotory chaetae, 33-36 µm long, 4 per bundle. No coelomocytes. Length about 3 mm, segment number known as 29. Differing externally from the other small species with similar locomotory chaetae, in the shape of penial chaetae: they are mostly bifid in Gianius aquaedulcis and not thicker than the locomotory chaetae in Spiridion phreaticola; in Rhyacodrilus balmensis penial chaetae are proximally dilated and hollow, while coelomocytes occur in body cavity.
Burrowing in sediment.


In freshwater, rare.

Sexual only. Eggs laid in cocoons.

Giani and Martinez-Ansemil, 1981: 201-205, Fig. 1.