Hoffmeister, 1845
Type species Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845
Number of species 1 or 2. In NWE one species:
Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845
Earthworm-like, thick oligochaetes, with dark pigmentation anteriorly. Anus dorsal. Chaetae two per bundle, sigmoid, with simple blunt tip, ornamented with transversal ridges or scars. Male pores as transversal slits in XV or 14/15, in mature individuals sitting on very large glandular porophores. Clitellum annular, with inconspicuous borders, very long (beginning from XIV...XVI, stretching to ILV...ILVII). No tubercula pubertatis. Small female pores in 14/15 can sometimes sit on their papillae. Several ventral chaetae between IX and XXIII can be modified as genital chaetae, with longitudinal grooves on their distal portion; in this case, each of them is surrounded also with glandular papilla. Several horn-shaped spermatophores can be attached to body wall near genital pores after copulation. Oesophagus with thickened musculature in V-VI(VII). Testes in X and XI, ovaries in XIII. Differing from the lumbricids and from Sparganophilus, in the anterior position of clitellum, covering also male pores in XV.
Burrowing in sediment.
Europe and the Near East.
In freshwater.
Sexual only. Eggs laid in cocoons.
Hoffmeister, 1845: 41; Jamieson, 1971: 803-804; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 486; Kasprzak, 1981: 212.