Genus Eiseniella

Michaelsen, 1900

Type species Enterion tetraedrum Savigny, 1826
Number of species 5-10. In NWE , at least one species:
Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826), with several intraspecific taxa; some of them have been treated as separate species, by different researchers.

Lumbricids with closely paired chaetae, and mostly with a relatively anterior position of the exterior genital organs. Differing from the other lumbricid genera in various characters of internal anatomy.
Burrowing in soil and sediment.

Originally Palaearctic but with introductions to many other temperate regions.

In wet soil and in freshwater.

Sexual only, often parthenogenetic. Eggs laid in cocoons.

Eisen, 1873: 54; Eisen, 1874: 47; Omodeo, 1956: 187-188; Michaelsen, 1900: 471; Plisko, 1973: 124; Reynolds, 1977: 83; Perel', 1979: 226; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 490-491; Sims and Gerard, 1985: 90.