Branchiobdella pentodonta

Whitman, 1882

Small leech-shaped but unpigmented worms, without prostomium or chaetae. Anteriormost four segments fused to form head. Posterior end is modified as sucker-like adhesive disk; ventral edge of mouth also acting as adhesive organ. Body terete, trunk widening gradually. Head broader than the first subsequent segments. Jaws trapezoidal or kidney-shaped, most often with five teeth, one somewhat bigger tooth in the middle and 1-3 smaller teeth on both sides. Spermathecal ampulla and duct of equal length. Body length 2-5 mm. Similar to Branchiobdella balcanica and Branchiobdella italica in jaws. Differing from the former in the shape of trunk, but from the latter only in the proportions of spermatheca (internal character).
Crawling like leech on the body of crayfish.


In freshwater, living on body surface of crayfishes.

Sexual only. Eggs laid in cocoons attached with one end to body of crayfish.

Whitman, 1882: 636-637; Pop, 1965: 226-227, Fig. 6; Karaman, 1970: 329, Figs 6, 10, 12, 15-18; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 475-476, Fig. 243C; Kasprzak, 1981: 217, Figs 880-900; Nesemann, 1994:84, Figs 7-12.