Lumbricillus fennicus

Nurminen, 1964

Small reddish worms. Chaetae in fan-like bundles, sigmoid, without nodulus, by 3-7 (most numerous on ventral side and on mid-body), about 40 µm long. Ventral chaetae lacking at male pores in XII. Clitellum covering 1/2 XI-XII. Clitellar glands arranged in transverse rows. Internal characters: Pharyngeal glands with dorsal lobes well connected with each other dorsally, in IV and V, and ventral lobes in IV-VI. Coelomocytes oval or pear-shaped, granular. No appendages on digestive tube. Blood reddish yellow, dorsal blood vessel reaches rearward up to 12/13. Spermathecae in V, connected with oesophagus, consisting of spindle-shaped ampulla and very short, indistinct duct, with a crown of glands surrounding its ectal end. Numerous lobes of sperm vesicles full of spermatozoa, attached to body wall at 10/11 and extending bush-like into cavity of IX-XI. Male funnels pear-shaped, consisting of five lobes, with narrower collar. Penial bulbs of medium size. 4-10 eggs present at a time. Length about 8 mm, segment number 28-33. Differing from congeners, first of all, in lobed male funnel.
Burrowing in sediment.


In fresh and slightly brackish water, in wet soil.

Sexual, with eggs laid in cocoons.

Nurminen, 1964: 48-50, Fig. 2; Kasprzak, 1986: 140-141, Figs 389-392.