Vejdovskyella intermedia

(Bretscher, 1896)

Small transparent worms. Prostomium as a low cap, without eyes. Dorsal bundles beginning from VI. Dorsal hair chaetae by 2-9, 200-400 µm long, smooth (finely serrated at high magnification); besides, 3-9 fine single-pointed needle chaetae, 55-193 µm long. Ventral chaetae in II-V by 2-4, with slightly longer upper tooth, 92-118 µm long, from VI on mostly singly, 60-90 µm long. In VI (or also in some following segments) ventral chaetae particularly thick and curved, with upper teeth split into 2-3 branches. In mature individuals penial chaetae by 1-2, with simple hooked tip, 86 µm long. Length 1.3-3 mm, segment number in zooids 11-14, in single individuals 19-24. Differing from another species having giant ventral chaetae, Vejdovskyella macrochaeta, in the split upper tooth of giant chaetae, a full set of anterior ventral chaetae, thinner and smoother hair chaetae, and lack of eyes. Separated to a subgenus Machetna by Semernoy and Timm, 1994.


In freshwater, particularly in bigger lakes and rivers.

Mostly asexual, by paratomy (budding). Mature individuals and sexual reproduction rare or seasonal.

Bretscher, 1896: 509-510; Sperber, 1948: 140-141; Sperber, 1950: 66-67, Fig. 18; Brinkhurst and Jamieson, 1971: 347-349 (partim); Chekanovskaya, 1981: 206-207, Fig. 86; Hrabe, 1981: 51, Pl. 8 Figs 5-7; Kasprzak, 1981: 116-117, Figs 305-307; Semernoy and Timm, 1994: 131, 136, Fig 4.