Genus Tatriella

Hrabe, 1939

Type species Tatriella slovenica Hrabe, 1939
Number of species 2. In NWE, one species:
Tatriella slovenica Hrabe, 1939

Medium-sized, pink lumbriculids. Prostomium without proboscis. Chaetae two per bundle, sigmoid with nodulus, simple-pointed. Testes in IX and X, ovaries in XI. Single atrium in X, single spermatheca in VIII (sometimes lacking), both with ventromedian pores. Differing from the other European lumbriculid genus with unpaired ventromedian genital pores, Eclipidrilus, in the position of spermathecae in VIII, lack of spiral muscle fibres in atrial wall, and simpler blood vessel system.
Burrowing in sediment.

Northern Europe, Kamchatka.

In freshwater.

Sexual only, sometimes parthenogenetic. Eggs laid in cocoons.

Hrabe, 1939: 229-230; Hrabe, 1981: 104; Cook, 1968: 283; Cook, 1971a: 261-262; Kasprzak, 1981: 188-189.