Genus Bothrioneurum

Stolc, 1886

Type species Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Stolc, 1886
Number of species 6. In NWE , one species:
Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Stolc, 1886

Smooth pink tubificids with bifid chaetae only. Unpaired sensory pit on prostomium (unique character in Oligochaeta). Coelomocytes present. Asexual reproduction by architomy usually results in forward shift of reproductive system (male pores and penial chaetae in IX instead of XI) in mature individuals. Sperm deposited in external spermatophores after copulation (rare character in Tubificidae).
Burrowing in sediment.

Cosmopolitan, mostly in tropical regions.

In freshwater.

Asexual reproduction by architomy (fragmentation) often prevailing. In the case of sexual reproduction, sperm deposited in external spermatophores, and eggs laid in cocoons.

Stolc, 1886: 647; Michaelsen, 1900: 54; Brinkhurst and Jamieson, 1971: 539-540; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 361; Hrabe, 1981: 66-67; Kasprzak, 1981: 141.