Genus Peipsidrilus

Timm, 1977

Type species Peipsidrilus pusillus Timm, 1977
Number of species 3. In NWE, one species:
Peipsidrilus pusillus Timm, 1977

Small smooth, pink tubificids. Dorsal hair and pectinate chaetae can be present or absent, as well are spermathecal chaetae. Short penial sheaths present. No coelomocytes. Several characters of the anatomy of reproductive system similar to those in Aulodrilus.
Burrowing in sediment.

Europe, Lebanon.

In freshwater.

Mostly sexual, with eggs laid in cocoons; architomy (fragmentation) presumed in one species.

Timm, 1977: 282-283; Timm and Popcenko, 1978: 91; Hrabe, 1981: 73; Finogenova, 1982b: 199-203; Giani et al., 1982: 179-186; Giani et al., 1984: 20-21.