Genus Specaria

Sperber, 1939

Type species Nais josinae Vejdovsky, 1884a
Number of species 3. In NWE, one species:
Specaria josinae (Vejdovsky, 1884a)

Naidids without eyes. Dorsal bundles beginning from VI and consisting of numerous hair chaetae and crotchets smaller than ventral ones. Penial chaetae present. Differing from the similar genus Nais in lack of eyes and in presence of well-developed blood vessel plexus in anterior segments.

Holarctic, China, Japan.

In freshwater.

Mostly asexual, by paratomy (budding). Mature individuals and sexual reproduction rare or seasonal.

Sperber, 1939: 3-5; Sperber, 1948: 94-95; Brinkhurst and Jamieson, 1971: 324; Chekanovskaya, 1981: 239-240; Hrabe, 1981: 55; Kasprzak, 1981: 131.