Genus Guestphalinus

Michaelsen, 1933

Type species Dorydrilus (Guestphalinus) wiardi Michaelsen, 1933
Number of species 1. In NWE, one species:
Guestphalinus wiardi (Michaelsen, 1933)
Erected by Michaelsen (1933) as a subgenus, elevated to the generic rank by Hrabe, 1936a.

Prostomium with proboscis. Chaetae two per bundle, sigmoid, simple-pointed, with nodulus. Both spermathecal and male pores behind ventral chaetae in IX; female pores in anterior portion of XI. No connection between spermathecae and oesophagus; no rudimentary atria. Two pairs of testes in VIII and IX, with two pairs of male funnels and vasa deferentia, correspondingly. Pear-shaped atria in IX. Similar to species of Rhynchelmis but differing from them in the location of both spermathecal and male pores in IX.
Burrowing in sediment. Able to swim short distance when irritated.


In freshwater, known from caves.

Sexual only. Eggs laid in cocoons.

Michaelsen, 1933: 15; Hrabe, 1936a: 10; Cook, 1971a: 237; Kasprzak, 1981: 198.