Tribus Pristinini

Lastockin, 1921, emend. Sperber, 1948, Nemec and Brinkhurst, 1987

Type genus Pristina Ehrenberg, 1831. Erected by Lastockin, 1921, as a subfamily for the single genus Pristina sensu lato; redescribed in the same sense by Sperber, 1948. Treated as a tribe including the genera Pristina, Pristinella and possibly also Bratislavia, by Nemec and Brinkhurst, 1987.
Number of species about 40. In fresh waters of NWE, two genera with nine species:
Pristina aequiseta Bourne, 1891
Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg, 1831
Pristinella amphibiotica (Lastockin, 1927)
Pristinella bilobata (Bretscher, 1903)
Pristinella jenkinae (Stephenson, 1931)
Pristinella menoni (Aiyer, 1930)
Pristinella notopora (Cernosvitov, 1937a)
Pristinella osborni (Walton, 1906)
Pristinella rosea (Piguet, 1906a)

A clade of Naidinae, characterized by beginning of dorsal chaetae from II; location of male pores in VIII (but both characters not valid for Bratislavia). No eyes. Dorsal hair and needle chaetae present.


In freshwater. Feeding on detritus or unicellular algae.

Mostly asexual, by paratomy (budding). Seven anterior segments developing in the budding zone. Maturing and sexual reproduction rare or seasonal.

Lastockin, 1921: 75; Sperber, 1948: 209; Nemec and Brinkhurst, 1987: 706.